Chamber Events
WEB | Morning Coffee: Australia's Current Pulse on ESG Reporting
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Event Start
28/05/2024 · 08:30
Event End
28/05/2024 · 09:15

Overview of Incoming Changes on Mandatory Climate Reporting for Companies with RSM Australia

Hard to keep up with the latest developments in Australia’s economy? With new policies, trends and guidelines coming in frequently, it can be a challenge to stay informed. We, the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, have over 300 member companies that are true experts in their respective industries. What a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips that we aim to unlock for all members. In our Morning Coffee: Australia’s Current Pulse series, members have the chance to learn from members. Join us for a 30-minute morning coffee and kickstart your day with newly learned knowledge and stay ahead in business! This webinar series will change topics in each session, so make sure to check back for next month’s topic! In true Aussie style, we invite you to have your tea or coffee ready when you join our virtual Morning Coffee: Australia’s Current Pulse.


This Session: Overview of Incoming Changes on Mandatory Climate Reporting for Companies with RSM Australia

From 1 July 2024, Companies in Australia will be required to report on the climate impact of their operations. Whilst this will initially only affect some companies, the reporting requirements will be phased in for smaller organisations as well and it is imperative to be prepared and aware of these incoming requirements. The differences with international, (including the EU) regulations, add additional complexity for international businesses.

In this session of AHK Australien Morning Coffee, we will explore what these climate reporting requirements are, who will be required to report and what the scope of the reporting is. Our expert speaker, Linda Romanovska (Partner ESG & Climate Services) from AHK member RSM Australia will summarise the new requirements, with a focus on what needs to be reported and how to go about finding and compiling the right information. In a second step, Linda will also outline how these new Australian requirements compare to existing standards in other jurisdictions, particularly in the European Union and more importantly, she will also show important differences that may affect the transferability of reporting information from one jurisdiction to the other.


About the Speaker

Linda Romanovska (Partner ESG and Climate Services) at RSM Australia:

Linda is a ESG and Climate Services Partner at RSM and a senior advisor on sustainability with over 15 years of experience. Linda supports private and public sector entities on their mandatory and voluntary sustainability aspirations, obligations and challenges to enable them to set sustainability targets and strategies, implement impactful actions, and report with confidence even in the most complex cases.

Linda is a former team member of the European Commission DG Climate Action and continues her EU policy-making involvement via an appointment to the EU Platform on Sustainable Finance, a high-level advisory body working on the development of EU’s Sustainable Finance Framework, including the drafting of the EU Taxonomy and other related regulations. She has likewise contributed to the development of the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Disclosures Directive. Currently based in Australia, Linda is supporting similar policy-making and standard-setting processes in Australia, ASEAN and select countries in Africa and Middle-East.


Linda Romanovska

Partner ESG and Climate Services at RSM Australia