AHK Australien Created with Canva Business Directory 2022 Member Directory 2022

Linde Engineering Australia Pty Ltd

Think Hydrogen and Ammonia. Think Linde.
Linde is a global leader in the production, processing, storage and distribution of hydrogen and ammonia. It has the largest liquid hydrogen capacity and distribution system in the world. The company also operates the world's first high-purity hydrogen storage cavern coupled with an unrivalled pipeline network to reliably supply its customers. Linde is at the forefront in the transition to clean hydrogen and has installed over 200 hydrogen fueling stations and 100 hydrogen electrolysis plants worldwide. The company offers the latest electrolysis technology with the capability to supply commercial scale export NH3 & H2 plants including EPC supply.

Energy Cluster Member

Linde is the only company to cover every step in the hydrogen value chain from production and processing through distribution and storage for domestic industrial, mobility and large export applications.

  • Engineering (Pre-feas, FEED/ECI) Studies
  • ASU (Air Separation Units)
  • CCU-S
  • Ammonia Loop
  • Electrolysis (PEM & AEL)
  • Liquefaction
  • Membrane H2 Extraction technology
  • HRS Refuelers
  • Compression & Storage
  • Pipelines
  • Remote operating and monitoring centers
  • Service/Spares & Plant upgrades/revamps
  • Turnkey solution as EP/EPC supply

More about Linde's involvement with Hydrogen here.

Electricity, Gas & Water