Chamber Events
WEB | Bioenergy in Australia
Event Start
16/09/2021 · 17:00
Event End
16/09/2021 · 18:30

Business Opportunities for German SME’s

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the AHK Australien is organizing a webinar on Bioenergy in cooperation with energiewaechter.  


Datum: 16.09.2021

Zeit: 9:00-10:30 CET und 17:00-18:30 AEST

On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the AHK Australien is organizing a webinar on Bioenergy in cooperation with energiewaechter.  

The webinar will highlight business opportunities and prepare organisations for a possible market entry or a potential further development of their existing businesses in Australia.  

The webinar will be mostly held in German, but key speakers from the Australian industry will be featured in this Webinar. 

Max Schnarr

Max Schnarr

Deputy Executive Director and Head of Operations and Corporate Development
