CTRL Cybersecurity, Office Melbourne
AHK Events
MEL | Cybersecurity Circle
CTRL Cybersecurity, Office Melbourne
Lvl 10, 60 City Rd
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28.08.2024 · 08:00
28.08.2024 · 10:00

Cyber Readiness for Business Leaders in Australia

About the Cybersecurity Circle

We’ve all seen big brands losing trust of their customers because of cybersecurity leaks and concerns, and consequently entering a phase of damage control. Cyber threats are on the rise and to mitigate the risk of your company being affected and put in the spotlight for bad practices, a strategy needs to be put in place that considers the current cyber landscape. In an ever evolving world, and a world that relies heavier than ever on modern technology, the online world and cloud-based solutions, the cyber landscape changes fast.

Our Cybersecurity Circle offers CEOs, CISOs, IT Managers and other senior leaders responsible for overseeing cybersecurity within their organisations, a platform to discuss current challenges and developments while learning from other participants and expert speakers.

All our Circles are following the Chatham House Rules. Following the insightful discussion, there will be time to network with industry peers and expand your professional network.

Kick-off Event: Cyber Readiness for Business Leaders in Australia

Our first cybersecurity circle, hosted by CTRL Cybersecurity in Melbourne, will be a fantastic kick-off. This event is designed to empower business leaders with essential knowledge and strategies to elevate their cybersecurity readiness.

The focus will be on understanding the threat landscape, managing legal and contractual obligations, assessing and mitigating risks, and integrating best practices into the corporate culture:

  • The current cybersecurity state in Australia: Gain insights into how the cyber threat landscape is evolving in Australia and its implications for businesses
  • Obligations and compliance: Learn about the legal and regulatory obligations your business needs to meet and strategies for effective compliance
  • Cybersecurity maturity: Discover tools to assess your organisation's current cybersecurity maturity and practical steps to enhance it
  • Balancing cybersecurity investments: Get guidelines on how to determine the right amount of investment in cybersecurity based on your organisation’s risk profile and industry standards
  • Prioritisation and action steps: Receive clear direction on what immediate actions are critical for your business and how to strategically plan cybersecurity initiatives

Look forward to an interactive session with real world scenarios and Q&A. Klaus Crean and his colleague James Lacey from CTRL Cybersecurity will join us to provide insightful takeaways and share industry knowledge with our round. With many years of experience in the industry, they can offer great expertise and a wealth of knowledge to illuminate this complex topic

Nathan Porter

Nathan Porter

Membership Senior Consultant



Klaus Crean

Client Partner at CTRL Cybersecurity

James Lacey

Managing Cybersecurity Consultant at CTRL Cybersecurity