Hall & Wilcox, Sydney
AHK Events
End of Year Reception at Hall & Wilcox
Hall & Wilcox, Sydney
60 Castlereagh Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Ort auf der Karte zeigen
11.12.2018 · 18:00
11.12.2018 · 20:00

Certainly it’s within reason
That we use the silly season
To come together one more time
Enjoy a round of beer and wine
And celebrate the end of year
With all our valued members here.

Your company is what we’re after
A bit of chatting and some laughter
We’d like to share with you a sip
And thank you for your membership
To then conclude the year in style
As we won’t see you for a while.

Without a doubt we do well know
That this won’t be the only show
You are invited to attend.
But this is our last event,
So as booked out as you may be
We hope that you will still be free!


Together with our Hosting Partner Hall & Wilcox the German-Australian Chamber invites you to our End of Year Drinks.

Hosting Partner