
Merck interviews Founder of Vaxine Prof Nikolai Petrovsky on pandemics and COVID-19


Merck Partnership Supports Australian-Developed SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Vaccine Candidate

On 10 August, Merck Life Sciences, Managing Director, Rebecca Lee, conducted a Q&A video interview with Flinders University, Professor and Founder of Vaxine, Nikolai Petrovsky. Rebecca and Nikolai discussed the history of pandemics, COVID-19, the value of partnerships and the success of phase one clinical trials of COVAX-19®, a vaccine candidate for the fight against COVID-19. COVAX-19® is the first Australian-developed COVID-19 vaccine to pass phase one clinical trials in Australia successfully. Phase two clinical trials are set to begin in September. Sypharma, an Australian biopharmaceutical formulation company, providing contract manufacturing of COVAX-19® and Advax™ adjuvant for COVID-19 in partnership with Vaxine, an Australian biotechnology company focusing on the development of innovative vaccine technologies. Merck has a long-standing relationship with Sypharma and Vaxine for more than 10 years, supporting the manufacture of Advax™ adjuvants with manufacturing solutions, single-use, filtration products and process development expertise. Watch the video here.